Senin, 30 Juni 2014

Let's Be Good People

The atmosphere at home sometimes melenakan, calm and carried away, making the sometimes lazy to think and do big things, like changing the way cultivate crops and ways of earning a living, the communities in our country is very moderately, friendly and of course good, especially their that has not been contaminated with travel and culture of the individualist and materalistis, certainly not all residents of the city like that, but most of it is so, how else would this fact is known by many people.

Look fulfilled, culture helping endangered, when I saw people having trouble not help that there is Rush Rush hypocracy not know, turn away and busy with their own affairs, which is important I do not have to be pretty stupid problem with the possible time so that there is some balance in their hearts.

But of course it is not without reason, there are some who are initially forced to indifferent and do not care, because sometimes the kindness given by evil, those who initially asked for help instead turned into a fine robber who drain of wealth, it is hard to distinguish which ones need help and what is not, this sort of thing is done by a small percentage of people who take advantage of good as his stomach compassion for the benefit of its own people, this sort of thing right as an old saying goes, because indigo speck corrupted because of milk.

Perhaps many people have lost a sense of shame, to get anything done from either the money or the desire to another, should be embarrassed if caught sinning or something worse, tablets should be yes but there are some people tell yangdengan bagganya past crimes but instead full of remorse precisely the strange sense of pride in what not? strange not you think?

My buddy I miss the atmosphere of an orderly society as in the past, young people respect for the older and younger elderly care, children obey and respect their parents, the teacher, but, perhaps only to the extent yearning alone, but together we strive to create a community well, how how? was simple, non-confidential and should tal-sounding pompous, respectively enough we become good people, that's my advice, may easily be taken into consideration


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